Mike Russo

Great start J-Wall and strong finish! Worth every penny.

"Loved week 1, all information I had to find in several videos online before finding your workshop. Keep spreading the love with blender for 3D printing. Week 2 even better, if I've learned this much in just 2 weeks, can't wait to dive into the next 2. Week 3 continues to live up to the previous weeks of easy to follow tutorials and very exciting projects. I'm looking forward to and disappointed to start the last week of this beginner series. Well here we are, at the end of week 4. This 4 week class was amazing, I learned so much in a short amount of time and the teacher is just great, very patient and easily accessible. Look forward to more training videos and live podcast with you guys! Sad to see it end for me but excited to see it's future for you. Keep living the dream."

Rob MacKay

THIS is why I signed up! (Week #3)

"The box modelling course was so much fun! My creative brain can now start making fun stuff. Other programs are fine for geometric and parametric, but I'm starting to see the power and flixibility of Blender. This feels so much more natural and intuitive to me."

Rob MacKay

5 out of 5 (Week #4)

"Excellent! Can't say enough about the content, teaching style and speeding through the learning curve on getting started. I feel this is a rock solid foundation on which to build more skill and creativity. Thanks so much! "

Max @3DWithUs

"I saw this course as a 4-week challenge, strictly following all the instructions step by step. To get the most of this training, students have to fulfill every task, including creating own designs and 3D printing them out. That's the only way to digest Blender in this crash course. Jason is very supportive and responsive, and great fun too!"


"This course was really easy and fun to do. It is supposed to show you the very basics of blender, but you learn it while actually making whole models with very useful tools. I really learned a lot, Blender interface can be a little overwhelming the first time you open it but thanks to this course I feel ready to explore and experiment with it by myself."

Jake Vrbka

Lithopanes are cool!

"I've always been interested in lithopanes, but have never made one. I've seen the different lithopane generators online but it is really cool to be able to create my own! Thanks to this class I can now create and print my own lithopanes"

Vikki Baptiste

Practical, clear, easy-to-follow instructions

"I dived into Blender knowing nothing, with no guidance, and fumbled around for a while. I'm so happy I was told about PTT and my only regret is that it took me so long to get around to taking this free course! I recommend it to anyone who is starting to use Blender, and - if you're a note-taker like me - make sure to write down all those shortcuts. They are so helpful! I now feel comfortable digging deeper into how to use Blender, and have signed up for the workshop."

Jake Vrbka

I would rate the Workshop 5 stars.

"My overall experience with the 4 week class was great. I learned so much in just 4 short weeks. Before the class I had only opened Blender once. Now I can design my own simple 3D prints. I can't wait to start the next lessons and become an even better designer."

Jake Vrbka

Awesome Introduction Course

"Beginner 100 - Blender 2.9 is an awesome course. Jayson takes you through the steps of downloading Blender and setting up your workspace, and also shows you some of the basic functions so that you know your way around Blender."

Jason Preuss

I would rate the workshop a 4.

"Overall it was a very good experience. I think the workshop format is good, forcing you to use Blender a ton over a few weeks so it actually sinks in. Knowing other people are taking the class at the same time and everyone having their work shown also adds incentive (no one wants to be the one with the crappy model). The videos in general were good. As others have mentioned it was unfortunate that so much changed between 2.8 and 2.9, but it did cause me some frustration (and that was with me working ahead, I can imagine it was worse for those trying to get it done at the deadline). Depending on the timing I would probably sign up for an intermediate class."

Stan Morris

Overall workshop experience was quite positive.

"Between you and Amber, proactive actions were taken to verify and correct communication issues. I've studied using video training in the past and your class was successful in recreating the communication feeling of a live class where concerns were addressed immediately. Your consistently positive attitude is invigorating and helped me work through issues as I encountered them with the software. You accurately predicted actions that would destabilize Blender and made recommendations on how to avoid them preemptively. Your class was as good as any class I've had in college or in professional seminars. Regarding the choice of using Blender, this is my first foray into 3D printing and I am unsure what I might be missing with other software, but you showed me how to do everything I need with Blender and much more than I expected to be able to do; your class exceeded my expectations. I see no reason to use any other 3D design software and I feel like I will be able to make a more informed decision if I reach the limitations of Blender and decide to switch to another design platform. I'm glad that I didn't miss your course."

Kyle Heilig

5 out of 5 box-animals

"You and Amber were great. The lessons were really easy to follow, and Amber's crazy designs made me want to push myself. 2. The experience was great and the other group members taught me a lot. The only semi-complaint I have is some lessons need to be updated (which I know you're doing). Thanks again Jwall"

Keith Park

Very cool overview

"It's a lot of information to absorb in a short time frame, but it's all very helpful in understanding the Blender Environment."

Christopher Lyons

3D Print Workflow + 5 Effects (101) Review

"Overall, I felt there was quite a bit covered in this course. In general it was presented well and I learned a lot. But I am a little concerned about how well I'll be able to remember all the details and whether it will come back to me when I need it later. I really wish the course had practice questions to work on that would allow students to work through the material in small steps to help drill it in. And these types of questions could build up, so as you gain more knowledge they draw on what you already should know so you are forced to execute the workflow repeatedly which is something I'm not sure I'm ready for yet. The other issue I'm struggling with is the homework assignments. We have 2 assignments in Week1, stated as Suzanne Remixes & Cheese Doorstop. I wish there was a stated textual definition of what was required for these. I've asked and the response I got was open-ended, so I'm going to just submit what I think is correct. I understand that it's supposed to be a somewhat creative exercise but we are just learning Blender and this is the first week, so I think this should have a bit more definition with a creative sidelight for those with the time & desire. Just my thoughts. Again, I'm learning quite a bit and enjoying the ride ... Thanks!!"

Christopher Lyons

Beginner 100 - Blender 2.9 Review

"Overall, I thought the course material was quite good. There are a few things that could be better but I feel Jayson is listening and will make updates as needed. I definitely know he is quick to respond to questions both from the video discussion links and from Discord and that really helps. The biggest issue is Blender is just so complex and has so many options and ways to get things done and that increases the difficulty for those new to it. It definitely helps having good videos and someone with experience who can help answer questions when you get stuck."

Lana Shea


"Terrific lessons that meet all my criteria: broken into short and sweet segments, each step explained with multiple ways to approach, and can rewind to my heart's content. Super motivating- engaged my brain to think of creative projects that I want to attempt. And, Jayson's voice is SO easy to listen to!"

Garrett Kearney - Chaos Core Tech

3D Printing YouTuber

"This course was extremely easy. Jayson says at the beginning that its pretty basic, but if you did the intro course you'll get this almost immediately. It's great how things are building on each other. "

Alejandro Canchola

1 month ago

" lot of content and information very well explained, easy to follow and learn. Great tricks for 3d printing i didnt know blender had."

Jonas @3DPrintingPrinter

Blender for total beginners!

"The course really helped me, a person with no prior Blender experience, to get a grasp of Blender! What I especially like about this course are the fun & cute exercises, and that the keys our instructor presses are being displayed in the video."


"It’s literally a Fast Lane to Learning 3D Printing. No side tracking here.... straight to the point. You learn Everything from Design to the rules of 3D Printers."

Alex Parton


"This course was extremely easy. Jayson says at the beginning that its pretty basic, but if you did the intro course you'll get this almost immediately. It's great how things are building on each other."

Sebastian Tanner

Off to a great start

"I feel really comfortable with the basics of Blender. I love these courses! Jayson teaches you in small and understandable chunks. The discord community was really great when I did get stuck with some things. "

James G McNeill

"This is exactly the course I was looking for to answer the questions I had about 3D printing."

David Vetter

"J Wall is great and I am familiar with him from his YT videos. He is going fast, but I am keeping up."

Peter Scheler

"It's what the title promises. A Blender beginner course with the focus on 3D printing. If you have some experience with Blender, you will probably not be challenged here."

Eduardo Marim Pissinati

Eric Lau

Kyle Darroux-Rose

Joe Zanre

"Yes indeed"

Phillip Baker

Shane Filippe

Walter Manning


Kevin J Bourgault, PhD

"I find Blender a super technical program and there was a real push at times trying to keep up (i.e., drinking from a firehose). I did experience multiple technical difficulties throughout this course. However, these were not the direct fault of the instructor (more attributable to program limitations). More importantly , I thought the instructor did a very good job of communicating with me when I did have problems. Overall, I am more than satisfied with the course and think that with more practice and projects, that I might actually develop some proficiency with this program. I would recommend this course for intermediate computer users or those with some experience with graphic design."

Josh Easley

Jonathan Sada

Finally I am feeling comfortable with Blender

"I really liked this course. I really get more than what I was expecting. I enjoyed the lessons and participating in the Live Meetups. Jayson was super helpful and always happy to provide support and feedback. The weekly delivery empowered me to follow the course and learn many things in one month. I am ready for the next course :)"

Kamilla Andersson

"Good for a basic understandning, but I would like to learn more about choosing rafts, filling e t c. Also more about how to fix problems when inspecting and preparing for prints."

Brenda Woodard

Jordon Gingrich

Jose Incer

Fausto Lopez

Arlene S Pietrzyk

"Yep, good match for my skill(less) blender level and presenter is energetic and engaging."

Nicholos Matthews


Li Mi

Steven Middagh

"A little basic with nuggets of useful info but thats to be expected for a beginner course."

同學 王

James Whitlock

Kris Gainsforth

"Too fast with the basics."

Dom Sch

Jerry E Shepherd

"so far but quite early to form a meaningful opinion."

Malcolm Irving

"so far but quite early to form a meaningful opinion."

Gary E. Duerr

Thomas Pagluica

"I’m sure the information is good but I’m constantly go back because it moves so quickly."

Kevin Perry

Sjon Jones

Matthew A Flinchbaugh

Hendrie Bosch

Hard to get started...

"For me it was hard to get up to steam. It is a steep learning curve especially if you're not a native English speaker. And my hardware isn't up to date so with objects with al lot of faces Blender tends to crash when checking for 3D-print. In the video's sometimes there's a switch or some parameters changed while the story continue's and it is not noticeable. This makes it sometimes hard to follow along and it takes a real good observatory to see what has happened. All in all; I'm glad i took this course to learn how to use Blender. Thanks! Hendrie"

Gerson Cervantes

Very good class.

"Your classes are really good. Taking the class #1 helped me to understand better how to use the 3d print tool box . I'm gonna give 5 starts to this class Thanks"

Ilias Ariston

Great intro to blender

"gives good confidence in the different workflows and allows you to make your first attempts in 3d printing. "

Hubert Berg

Great course

"I've been relatively new to 3D printing and had little experience in blender. This course is very well prepared and a great introduction."

Michael George Wiles

3D Print Workflow and 5 Effects (101) - a review from the UK

"Well-paced learning schedule with good video accompanied by clear explanatory voiceovers. Whilst I understand the principles and logic of the workflow, the 'proof of the pudding' is how quickly I can master the Blender shortcuts. For an 'oldster' like myself, an accompanying step-by-step text would be a welcome addition. Thank you!"

Maurizio Montefiori

comparing with FreeCAD

"Well this training is really useful and helped me both to start with the basics and comparing the Blender philosophy to the FreeCAD one. Before judging, I want to proceed with Blender for more lessons. "

Ilias Ariston

Great intro to blender

"gives good confidence in the different workflows and allows you to make your first attempts in 3d printing."

Michael Brewer

Box Modelling - Box Animals

"Awesome, learning so much each time I take a course! I can honestly feel that my Blender muscle memory is expanding."

Marko de Jager

Lot easier than it looks

"Another clear instruction in using Blender and its magic collection of tools to create a cute animal from just a simple cube as starting point. Easy to follow along - printing now ..."

David Crispin

Great intro as to what can be done with a photograph

"Easy to follow, clear and well presented."

David Crispin

Great overview of the basics!

"I found the pace perfect and the information flow just right for my learning speed."

Jane Epperson

Beginner 101- 3D Print Workflow

"Thanks so much for this great introduction to 3D printing with Blender. This into course is a great way to understand the basic skills needed to design and analyse a model to be printed. I took the course because though I was familiar with Blender, I wanted to understand the 3D print tab and the use of the boolean tools. This class was very helpful and I look forward to continued learning with Print That Thing!"

Paul Bennett

Well done

"Great lessons guided my initial understanding of Blender a very complicated program"

lab rat

Thanks Jay solid training

"Really grateful for this training you pro teaching skills at a level people can understand amazing ;)"

Arnaldo Braun

OK. Basic introduction.

"Text compatible with the objective of this step."

Michael Brewer

Excellent intro to Blender 2.8

"Will go through this course a couple more times as there were bits/sections (towards the end) that were a bit tough to keep up with. Excellent overview of the basic features of Blender that taught me what this software is capable of."

Giorgio Leoncini

Good Intro into blender!

"The videos were short and simple to understand the basics tools used in blender."

Sebastian Tanner

Great for your first time with blender

"I never used Blender before and this is a great course to get started. I feel really comfortable with everything that was taught and Jayson is great at responding to questions and feedback!"

Ricky Schintler

loving it so far!

"I have been 3D printing for over a year now wanting to dive into design, you've made it helpful, concise and accessible. looking forward to the rest of the course!"

OLar Maksin

Blender 100

"Very thorough without going into too much detail as an intro to Blender this was well done."

Sandra Keller


"Had a hard time at first because it appeared my defaults were set different, even though I downloaded the setup file. I believe it's just too easy to click on and item that really changes things. Figuring out what happened will help me remember. I know it's really hard to describe what you are doing and how to get to some of the menus. Pretty intimidating software with all the menus and capabilities. Great job leading us through. Even though I had to pause and rewind quite a bit to keep up. I wrote down many of the shortcuts you were teaching, but is there a reference card anywhere? thanks again. I will keep at it. FYI, not quite sure how the stars are supposed to be filled in but my intent is to give it 5 stars."

Eric Bisaillon

Great stuff

"Just completed the Beginner 100 - Blender 2.9 and I have nothing but good things to say about it. As a whole, I was pretty overwhelmed with the Blender UI at first but the break-down approach of the different UI elements, panels and tools made it all pretty clear. Recommended!"

Andrew Stowell

Good intro!

"Really helpful to get the hang of using Blender for anyone that has never used it before. Very easy to follow along!"

Amber Wilkinson

Beginner 100 was a great overview

"Great overview of the user interface. You might not know how to design after this course, but it definitely sets you comfortable with the daunting Blender layout. I'm pumped for more!"

steven newell

completed the first lesson!

"easy and straight forward, was guided step by step with simple to follow directions. excellent teacher with a great voice!"

Michael George Wiles

Intro to Blender

"A lot of ground covered and a lot of practice needed. Good clear instruction. Thank you!"

Barrett J Johnson

Was a lot of fun, ready to learn more

"I have only had my 3D Printer 4 months and the more I learn the more things I want to do with my printer and this course is just what I was looking for! So excited to start making things! 5A+"